Treatment for Office Based Injuries

Using Mobile Devices & Computers

Australians are increasingly experiencing back and neck pain due to prolonged use of mobile devices and computers.

Australians send more than 20 billion texts every year and spend more time in front of a screen than they do asleep. Shockingly, the average number of screen‐time hours has crept up to 9 per day and is affecting posture, comfort and quality of life. A recent study found that 70% of adults and 30% children and adolescents in Hong Kong reported musculoskeletal pain in relation to their use of electronic devices. These figures reflect a similar trend in Australia where more than 11.2 million use smartphones. Device related back pain is a growing trend worldwide.

The direct cost of back and neck pain to Australians is over $1 billion each year. Indirectly, this pain costs $8 billion as a consequence of lost productivity and disability.

Mobile device use results in many Australians spending hours hunched over a small screen or slumped on a couch or bed, causing muscular tightness and joint restriction of their upper back, neck and shoulders. Extended periods looking down or slouching often result in conditions like headaches, shoulder impingement and neck pain. Hunching the shoulders is even more problematic in children and teenagers as their spine is still developing. Poor posture caused by prolonged device use may cause permanent postural problems heading to potential complications later in life.

Osteopaths are experienced and qualified to assist with these musculoskeletal and postural problems. Osteopaths will work with your to reduce muscular tension, inflammation and nerve irritation; improve joint mobility; reduce the duration of low back pain episodes; offer advice on posture, exercises and stretching and help prevent future episodes.

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Questions? Concerns? Please feel free to send us a message through the contact form below.
Alternatively, you can call us at (03) 9328 1151 or Fax us at (03) 9328 1103.

Contact Details

452 Victoria St
North Melbourne
Victoria, Australia 3205
Phone: (03) 9328 1151
Fax: (03) 9328 1103
Mobile: 0455 155 561

Operating Hours

Monday: 9AM - 7PM

Tuesday: 9AM - 7PM

Wednesday: 8:30AM - 7:30PM

Thursdays: 9AM - 7PM

Friday: 8:30AM - 6PM

Saturday: 8:30AM - 12:30PM

Closed Sunday

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